Statistical review of the BEKO PBL Round 27

Fifth Patrick Beverley double-double, seven Thomas Kelati three-pointers and UNICS home victories serie in the statistical review of the BEKO PBL Round 27.
4. Защитник «Химок» Виталий Фридзон в поединке против «Динамо» реализовал 4 броска с игры (по 2 – со средней и с дальней дистанции), а также забил 4 штрафных из 4 попыток.
4. Khimki guard Vitaly Fridzon made a 100% throws realization with 2 throws from the middle distance, 2 from the arch and 4 one-pointers.
5. Three players made 5 steals each in the Round 27 games. They are Thomas Kelati from Khimki, Patrick Beverley from Spartak and Andrey Trushkin from Krasnye Krylya.
5. Spartak playmaker Patrick Beverley made his fifth double-double in the season. Moreover he was close to triple-doubl. He is the third player in the League who made more than 5 points in four rates with 21 points, 10 rebounds, 8 assists and 5 steals.
7. Khimki guard Thomas Kelati made 7 three-pointers in the game against Dynamo. The BEKO PBL record is 8 three-pointers in the game. Kelati became the twelfth player in the League who scored 30 points and more.
12. UNICS made 12 home victories straight.
12. All twelve CSKA players scored points in the game against Krasnye Krylya. Also all 10 Spartak players scored points in the game with Enisey.
14. Triumph lost 14 games straight.
447. Enisey center Lonnie Baxter scored more than anyone in the League in the BEKO PBL Regular season with 447 points. Maciej Lampe from UNICS scored 431 points, Spartak guard Henry Domercant made 428 points.
1000. Dynamo has the lowest audience on the games in the League. Only 1000 spectators in average watched Dynamo games. Lokomotiv-Kuban has the best attendance – 2971,4 specators on the game in average.